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br La subjetivaci n pol tica de
La subjetivación política de la Coordinadora es quizá una de las más sofisticadas interpretaciones dentro del movimiento mapuche (sin contar ep4 su sector intelectual), sobre su propia condición de dominados. Nos ha interesado narrar en la primera sección de este texto las condiciones centenarias
br On March the Indian Government banned
On March 10, 2016, the Indian Government banned around 330 “irrational” fixed-dose combination drugs (FDCs) with immediate effect. FDCs are products that cyclin dependent kinases contain two or more active drugs in a fixed-dose ratio, and are useful for minimising pill burden and lowering cost. H
WHO estimates that of people with tuberculosis are untreated
WHO estimates that 30–50% of people with tuberculosis are untreated, in part because of underdiagnosis. Patients with undiagnosed (or diagnosed and untreated) tuberculosis are most likely to transmit infection, so strategies to reduce disease burden should focus on improving the pathway to care for
br Discussion This patient presented with a rare case of
Discussion This patient presented with a rare case of ameboma and underwent a right hemicolectomy procedure. However, the patient did not survive the surgical intervention and post-operative period due to severe sepsis. The primary reason that treatment failed was due to delayed diagnosis and tre
In this study all tumors were
In this study, all tumors were Campanacci stage 3, which is a significantly higher proportion than in our database [9]. Such a high stage usually suggests that a tumor is highly aggressive and may be a high-risk factor for lung metastasis. Previous reports have also suggested that the stage of a GCT
N6022 Confrontaremos los datos que la hemerograf a
Confrontaremos los datos que la hemerografía nos ofrece y las fuentes orales que han permitido la reconstrucción y el conocimiento de la experiencia del -. A partir de ello, queremos contribuir en el discernimiento y reconstrucción del conflicto, el cual, N6022 20 años de la firma de los Acuerdos de
In patients with syncope episodes detecting type ECG spontan
In patients with syncope episodes, detecting type 1 ECG (spontaneous or drug-induced) and evaluating the characteristics of symptoms are important for determining the indication for ICD implantation. The result of EPS is supportive; however, it should be noted that VF is not induced during EPS in al
Cerrone et al reported that the
Cerrone et al. reported that the mechanism of CPVT was due to delayed afterdepolarization‐induced triggered activity in a focal Purkinje network in a knock-in (RyR2) mouse [36]. In addition, chemical ablation of the RV endocardial cavity with Lugol׳s solution, which selectively destroys the Purkinje
Este n mero correspondiente al primer semestre del a
Este número, correspondiente al primer semestre del año 2013, se abre con una sección dedicada venlafaxine hcl reflexionar sobre América Latina desde diferentes puntos cardinales: literatura, ciencia y tecnología, derechos humanos, filosofía, historia de las ideas y dos perspectivas del pensamiento
br Planteamientos Previos El presente estudio muestra
Planteamientos Previos El presente estudio muestra la estrecha relación entre los procesos identitarios y las transformaciones de los contextos migratorios. Centrándose en el caso de los migrantes indígenas de Otavalo (Ecuador) en una de las ciudades del sur de España, la investigación parte de u
Desde mediados de la d cada de
Desde mediados de la década de los sesenta, la embajada argentina pedía informes sobre las actividades políticas en general y sobre las consideradas subversivas en Guatemala. A juicio de la embajada, en 1978 no se podía analizar la “ola de violencia” en Guatemala sin incluirla en el contexto de lo q
br Conflict of interest br Acknowledgment br Introduction
Conflict of interest Acknowledgment Introduction Several investigators recently showed that the superior vena cava (SVC) was one of the major foci for initiating atrial tachyarrhythmias, such as atrial tachycardia (AT) and atrial fibrillation (AF) [1–4]. Conduction block between the atrium
Others have observed the marked differences in clinicopathol
Others have observed the marked differences in clinicopathological characteristics between breast cancer subtypes by IHC study. However, they reported that triple negative and HER2 patients are at high risk of recurrences after adjusting for age, stage and histological grade. Our data support this o
br Clinical material br Discussion TLI is regarded as a
Clinical material Discussion TLI is regarded as a well-tolerated, simple procedure with few acute or late clinical sequelae reported. However, pulmonary irradiation as a therapeutic modality for metastatic bone sarcomas is, although introduced 30 years ago, insufficiently evaluated to clearly
br Pathophysiology and risk factors Patient with CIED may ge
Pathophysiology and risk factors Patient with CIED may get infected at time of initial apexbt calculator or during pocket revision for device change or upgrade [8,2]. Device erosions are by default infected but most commonly are a secondary manifestation of slow growing underlying infection [8].
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